Does anyone still check this? I'm sorry to have neglected this for so long. My nesting instinct is in full force, rivaled only by my desire to sleep. Contradictory? Perhaps. All that to say, with my free time divided equally between finishing projects and snoozing, I've had little time (energy? desire?) to post. With that, I give you an extremely random post about my princess...and Princess Bride.
We are growing out Olivia's bangs. For a long time, I had them trimmed often and I loved the short bangs and the cropped hair which was pretty adorable.

But last summer, something in me felt the need to start growing them out - mostly because I thought with the rest of her hair so short, it would be easiest for her bangs to catch up at this stage. Also, two-year-olds look cuter with their longish-growing-out-bangs clipped back in a barrette than a seven-year-old does, in my opinion (the age I started growing them out).
When Pie wakes up in the morning, her bangs in her eyes make it impossible to see, or do anything, really. That means before we go downstairs to have breakfast or do anything, we throw on a headband or I pull her top half of hair back into a pony so that her bangs don't drag into her food. On a side note, the growing out thing is quite frustrating because all the little baby hairs under her long bangs are becoming thick enough to look like real bangs, which means even with the regular bangs are grown out, we'll be already working on growing out the next layer. Geesh. The other morning at breakfast, I was watching Olivia in her headband, long bangs flopping over it, blueberry syrup casting a mustache-like appearance, when I had the thought that she resembled someone other than herself. Then I realized who she reminded me of: Cary Elwes of Princess Bride! I snapped a few pictures and compared them with googled images of Princess Bride and, what do ya know, my far-out idea was confirmed! What do you think? Wesley?