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Saturday, June 18, 2011

As the wind blows

Like most kids, Olivia feels a certain sense of power in the ability to control the temperature of her own blowing on it, of course. While her wimpy and wispy blows don't do much to affect the actual temperature, it does give her something to do and she really does feel it works. The other morning, I served her a bowl of slightly-too-hot-for-her-comfort oatmeal. She protested the temperature, so naturally I told her to blow on it. She worked on it for a couple seconds and then proudly declared, "I blowed on it!"
"Blew," I corrected.
"Don't say 'blue', Mom. THAT is blue." She motioned toward the multi-colored thank you notes spread out on the kitchen table.
Let the verb tenses lecture go for a while?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Old House, New House

I picked Olivia up from my mom's after my dentist appointment today. She asked where we were going. I said we were going home. She said, "new house" which I affirmed. Then I asked,"Do you remember our old house?" (we moved out in February). She said "yeah," but I continued: "It had a little laundry room next to the living room, a kitchen that used to be red, and Mommy and Daddy had a big closet in their room." Olivia quickly said, "I know that one." Alrighty then.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I decided I could get some painting done in the playroom while Olivia played in it this morning. We happily did our thing - she, coloring on her new easel, and me, on a ladder edging the ceiling of the playroom with Colonial Cobblestone (brown-gray). We talked occasionally, but there were several stretches where I didn't say anything, instead preferring to hear her talk to herself and her play things. As one point during these lulls, she burst out, "What are you peeking at?" I ignored her the first time so she repeated the question. "What are you peeking at?!" Not peeking at anything as I edged along the ceiling, I asked her, "What are you peeking at?"
"Peeking at markers!"
"Well, I guess I'm peeking at paint."
That seemed to satisfy her and we both carried on.


Olivia was playing with a play set of cloth pancakes this morning when I realized I hadn't changed her diaper yet from the night (it hadn't been that long since she'd been up). As I tipped her back to begin the process of un- and re-diapering, she grabbed a toy car near by and said, "Eat the car!" I said, "Eat the car? What does that taste like?!" Her reply: "engines."

Good Morning!

It's my first day of summer vacation! When Olivia got up this morning, I brought her into our bed so she and I could wake up together for a few minutes. As usual, I asked her, "How was your sleep?" She said "good" and then NOT per usual, she said, "how was yours?" I almost starting laughing but managed to tell her I slept fine, too. Then she said, summarizing our short conversation, "I had mine, you had yours." Yes, that's true. We each had our own "sleeps."