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Tuesday, December 28, 2010
After seven Christmases in just over a week, Olivia has become an almost-expert gift-opener. Today I think she thought she had hit the jackpot when she discovered our stash of Christmas gift bags, but was disappointed to find each of them e-m-p-t-y.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Got milk?
I was reading to Olivia in the car yesterday to keep her occupied and cheerful. The book is titled "Cow and Calf" (yes, she will say "calf" if you ask her what a baby cow is called). One page in her board book talks about a calf drinking its mother's milk. I told Olivia that baby cows get milk from their mothers' udders, to which she replied loudly, "YAY udders!" No surprise coming from our dairy queen.
Waking Up
Most weekend mornings when we hear Olivia starting to wake up, we bring her into our bed so we can all leisurely "wake up" together. This morning, she was acting particularly cuddly and allowing me to nuzzle her soft hair and kiss her sweet cheeks. I was whispering in a slow, low voice, "Mommy loves're such a good're Mommy's best girl." There was a short pause, then Olivia whispered back in the same slow drawl "getttt upppp."
Monday, December 13, 2010
For as far back as I can remember, I have been a wearer of turtlenecks. When I was a kid, it looked cute when paired with corduroy overalls. In 7th grade it was dorky (what isn't dorky under an oversized flannel shirt?) In college, it was acceptable and now it's both practical and back in style (when done properly). Olivia has no choice in the matter. She, too, will be a turtleneck wearer as long as I buy her clothes and oversee her outfit choices.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Mommy's helper
We've started having Olivia participate in helping with easy tasks during the day to help her realize life isn't all toys and books. She takes her diapers to the trash, holds the dust pan when I sweep and fetches items for me. When she completes these tasks, I call her "Mommy's helper" and make a big deal about how helpful she it. It's a fun time all-around.
The other day she was playing with "her" pot while I was working in the kitchen. (Her pot is a itty-bitty red pot that matches the rest of our pots and pans. She has claimed it as her own and has an tiny whisk that she stirs her fake ingredients with.) I thought it might be fun for her to actually have something to stir so I put some dry oatmeal in the pot. She stirred for a few seconds, but then thought a better idea would be to empty the oatmeal out of her pot. As she scooped oatmeal out by handfuls onto the kitchen floor, she proudly exclaimed, "Helping Mommy!" go grab the broom.
Olivia put her toy (an "egg shaker") in time-out during her bath time this evening. What's funny is that in addition to saying "time-out" and "shaker" she also called the toy "naughty." Do we even use that word?!
Olivia sneezed in my bowl of Cheerios yesterday. I was hungry...and late...and ate them anyway. Does that make me easy-going or disgusting?
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Olivia's new best friend is...a pilgrim woman. Not sure why they don't make more carved representations of 17th Century separatists for toddlers to play with. My 15-month-old's face certainly lights up when she spies her bestie on the mantel. Although her given name is probably something like Constance Billington, Olivia simply calls her "Pilgrim." Connie has gotten over the fact that Olivia tries to steal her pumpkin and doesn't recognize the cornucopia on her apron. I think they'll be friends for a while.
Fashion Statement
I'm trying to get Olivia into a routine when we come home at the end of the day. We take off her shoes and coat and carry them to her room. We put her shoes away and she "helps" me hang up her coat on a hanger. As we going through this routine yesterday, she spotted her Vikings jersey in her closet. She pointed to it and said, "Go Vikings!" (no surprise) but then followed it with "wear it!"
I clarified, "You want to put on your Vikings shirt?"
"Okay!" she replied.
Soooo...over her dress and leggings went her purple and gold jersey. I would not have been so accommodating had we needed to leave the house. When we were putting stuff away in my closet, she noticed an old scarf so, of course, she had to wear that, too. It made for an interesting outfit:
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