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Saturday, January 15, 2011

What is it?

We took Olivia to the zoo last week (I hadn't realized the MN Zoo was open year-round!). We did the Tropics Trail - awesome 75 degree weather - and the Minnesota Trail, which was bone-chilling cold. Throughout the day, one of Olivia's recurring questions was "What is it?" and she'd point the the animal on "display." We ended our day at the aquarium. As we stood next to the glass of a 20-foot aquarium, Olivia asked "What is it?" She had turned to look the opposite direction. She wasn't pointing to a sea animal, but rather to a large man in a red sweatshirt not 10 feet away. Unsure of whether or not he heard her, I scrambled to answer her question. "That," I told her pointing beyond the man to the other aquarium, "is a baby dolphin swimming with his mommy." Olivia wasn't satisfied. "What is it?!" she insisted, pointing directly at the man. This time, I guess he heard. He turned and walked away. "It's a man," I whispered sharply.
How does a one-year-old know so well how to embarrass her mommy?

1 comment:

  1. Ouch.
    Poor man.

    In a Target once, when Evelyn was maybe 2 or 3, she saw a tough biker with tattoos all over his arms, chest, hands, and neck.

    She shook her head and said to me, loudly, MOMMY, WHAT A NAUGHTY MAN! HE SCRIBBLED ALL OVER HIS ARMS!!!
