We're in to nick-names big-time in our family. Olivia usually goes by "Pie" (origin: We started calling her Pumpkin Pie around her first Thanksgiving. The "Pie" part stuck. I often add "Pie" to the end of a name as a term of endearment - i.e. my nieces Elsa-Pie and Megsie-Pie). Evan is "Mose" (origin: Moses - then Moses Pants. "Pants" is the masculine form of Pie and can be added to the end of any boy name - i.e. nephews Holden-Pants, Jaker-Pants).
The shortening of a name to (usually) one syllable and adding an "s" is another common variation of nicknames. Olivia's grandparents (my side) call her "Livs," Megsie-Pie also goes by "Megs." Jake and Jimmy are exceptions with "Jakers" and "Jimmers," but the "s" is still constant. Anything goes, really, but we have some recurring familial themes.
Olivia has picked up on these and refers to her cousins mainly by their nicknames. Of course, I've never gone over the "nickname rules" with her; she just parrots what she hears the adults saying. She has gone so far as to refer to my friend's dog, Piper, as "Pipes," which we love.
So yesterday in the tub, Pie was playing with her Sleeping Beauty Bath Barbie doll when she says to her, "Want to come over here, Barbs?" Something about the thought of tall, blond, fairy tale Barbie being called "Barbs" made me crack up. Totes presh and hilar, no?
Tote hilar!! I laughed till I cried on this one! Didn't know about Pipes!