Evan and I gave Olivia Richard Scarry's "Best Storybook Ever" for Christmas. It's awesome. There are EIGHTY-TWO stories in it - most of the stories are only a couple pages - but it's perfect for a two-year-old. Olivia and I were laying down reading in her bed the other day when we came to a section titled, "When You Grow Up." Across two pages, a couple dozen occupations with pictures were listed. We read through them all. Some included were an artist, farmer, mother, milk man (?!), nurse, teacher, pilot and many others. Of course, after reading all of them, I asked Olivia, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" She reached her hand over to me, cupped my chin and said, "This one."
"What one?" I asked. "You want to be a mommy when you grow up?"
Pie and Mommy reading the book as soon as she opened it on Christmas morning. |
Richard Scarry is the BEST!!