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Wednesday, November 17, 2010


We've started taking breaks. And by "we" I mean Olivia and by "breaks" I mean time-outs. In my second grade classroom, kids that misbehave or simply need to re-center are asked (told) by me to "take a break." In the classroom, it's seamless -- minimal disruptions and low- maintenance management for me. I started it with Olivia last week. You know all the cute place mats young, almost-marrieds register for from Crate and Barrel? We are putting ours to good use as "take a break" mats. We have a multi-colored striped one sitting by our porch door as the main take a break hub. When Olivia pulls attitude, I tell her she needs to take a break. She sits upright on her little mat, legs straight out in front of her and hands to herself for 30 or so seconds (during which I try not make eye-contact with her or smile because she looks so crazily cute) usually whimpering, but sometimes wailing. After the looooong 30 seconds, I ask her if she's ready to get up and if she says no, she continues her break. If she says she is ready, I tell her to say "sorry mama." We hug and make-up and life goes on. Last Friday she decided mashed up fish wasn't an acceptable dinner took five breaks to convince her otherwise. She knows what's up. She points to her little mat and says "break" throughout the day when the cheerful blue and green mat catches her eye.
Today convinced me she's got it figured out: I picked her up at my mother-in-law's today and told her to come get her coat on. She just stared at me. I told her again - she flat-out said "no." I firmly said, "Olivia, come here." She toddled over, glanced up at me and said "break?"

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