Note: This post will be exponentially funnier if read aloud.
Like with books, Olivia tends to find a favorite CD and want to only listen to that one for a while. Right now, it's the United States of America states and capitals CD that she requests every time we get into the car. ("America music!") The songs are seriously in my head all day long. I wake up in the middle of the night with "Jefferson City, Missouri. Helena, Montana" etc. coursing through my brain. I already know my states and capitals. Now I just have a musical version of them clogging up my brain. Anyway...
The other day, Olivia was playing at her little kitchen and pulling out various food items. She held up the bright blue fake salt shaker and said, "pepper!" Evan said, "Not pepper, it's the other one."
"Salt!" she corrected, which in her 2-year-old voice comes out sounding like, "sauwt." We both congratulated her on this important piece of information.
Then, to herself, "Sauwt, sauwt...Sauwt Dakota!"
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