In the Jones household, we are fans of Newman's Own products, specifically the peach salsa. Recently we tried the regular salsa, which wasn't nearly as tasty as the flavored ones. I also bought cheese dip last month which was flat-out disgusting (Evan didn't mind it), but overall, we love the products, thanks mostly to the exposure they get at our family gatherings.
As with all the other pre-made stuff we eat, Olivia is very interested in the packaging. The cereal boxes, syrup labels or pictures on jars are often the subject of conversation while we eat (which is usually just the two of us at lunch).
A few weeks ago, she asked me about the guy on the salsa and I told her it was Paul Newman. I told her he was an actor and then a philanthropist (new word!) and was now dead. That was about the extent of our conversation. She mostly enjoyed looking at his funny hat on the label. Last weekend, Evan was home for lunch and we had the salsa out. He, not knowing about our previous conversations, was a little surprised when Olivia said, "Can I see Paul Newman?"
I laughed out loud at this one!!