Having said that, I will often draw or color for and with Olivia. In fact, we have played pictionary, just the two of us, quite successfully on occasion, but that's a different story.
A few evenings ago, Olivia was using dry-erase markers on her new-ish easel. (IKEA, $15 - fabulous investment). After scribbling for a while, she thrust the marker at me and said, "Draw a tractor." This is not something I've drawn or something she's requested before, but I quickly drew what I deemed a satisfactory tractor (very quickly as it was already 7:15 p.m. - gasp!) She took one look at it and said exactly this: "That's not a tractor, Mom." I snickered and, always wondering what she's thinking, I asked her, "What is it then?"
"A truck."
Well, at least I turned out a motorized vehicle. A truck, a tractor, a train, whatever.
You decide:

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